i'm a bad artist but a good person
The project ‘I’m a bad artist but a good person’ explores the position of the artist in real life.
The main performance took place on September 13th in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. I walked down the main street of the city with a paper bag on my head that said "I am a bad artist but a good person" in Russian. Based on personal experience, this performance reflected my feelings of being misunderstood, of being something separate from society. I was looking for a sympathetic reaction, but instead, I got puzzled looks and squeamishness.
As I bumped into buildings, benches, and people, I realized that this path is the path of every artist. Trying not to bump into 'critics' opinions', 'gallery rejections', and 'public reactions', the artist is always asking himself 'am I good enough?'
i'm a bad artist but a good person, documentation (2016)
video, 1080p, 1m 31s
Trying to share my experience, I chose 9 photos documenting the performance and gave them a more "artistic look" with the help of filters in Photoshop with random values. Visually, this reflects the level of anxiety I had while walking with a bag on my head.
artistic look (2016)
digital photography, dimensions variable
If someone asks me, "Why did you make such ugly photos?"
I will answer, "It's not me, it's a machine. I'm a bad artist.
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